
Measuring your spiritual growth - Bhugat Giaan - Japji Sahib Podcast EP29

This pauri from Japji Sahib emphasises the importance of spiritual wisdom as true nourishment. The primal sound, the divine vibration is at the heart of all creation, calling us to connect with it. The One as the supreme creator binds all of creation. Can we realise that we are all the same and rise above discrimination? 🎧 🎧 Topics: 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:01:27 - Introduction 00:02:20 - Bhugat Giaan Daya Bhanddaaran 00:08:30 - Guru Amar Das Ji formalising Langar 00:15:27 - Who is a Giani? 00:16:45 - Implementing the Guru's teachings into your life practically 00:19:43 - Discussion on discrimination in Ireland 00:26:46 - Bhugat Giaan Daya Bhanddaran 00:31:05 - Discrimination of colour and clothes 00:37:15 - Bhugat Giaan Daya Bhanddaaran 00:38:47 - Aap Naath Naathee Sabh Ja Ki 00:48:28 - Measuring your spiritual growth by the right things (e.g. not sleep reducing) 00:55:38 - Sanjog Vijog Due Kaar Chalaaveh 01:01:24 - Ades Tisai Ades, Aad Aneel #Spirituality #Langar #Equality

True Fulfilment from Within - Munda Santokh - Japji Sahib Podcast EP28

The knowing and experience that you're internally complete is what it means to live in contentment. Waiting to feel fulfilled from an external factor is one of the biggest mistakes we can make in life. Bhai Baljit Singh shares the beautiful sakhi of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, who alongside Mata Ganga Ji, dressed down appearing to be regular villagers to selflessly serve the Kabul sangat who travelled hundreds of miles to have the darshan (vision) of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The powerful sevas that Guru Ji tells the Sikh to do has the ability to transform us if we do it with devotion. In this Pauri, contrasting to the yogi tradition, we learn about what the Sikh does to keep remember the One and the impermanence of life, and what it means to conquer the world. 3 Part Series on Baba Buddha Ji 🎧 🎧 Topics: 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:01:45 - Munda Santokh 00:03:31 - What is contentment? 00:04:39 - Is it okay to have aspirations? 00:06:19 - Hugging a child example 00:08:03 - What is contentment - continued 00:08:44 - Powerful Sevas the Guru tells the Sikh to do 00:12:25 - Beautiful Sakhi of Kabal Sangat travelling to Amritsar Sahib to meet Guru Arjan Dev Ji 00:42:08 - Munda Santokh 00:50:33 - Kithaa Kaal Kuaaree Kaaeaa 00:58:20 - Aaee Panthee Sagal Jamaatee Man Jeetai Jag Jeet 01:01:44 - Ades Tisai Ades 01:03:20 - Aad Aneel Anaad Anahat Jug Jug Eko Ves #JapjiSahib #SikhHistory #GuruArjanDevJi

The Fateful Days of June 1984 | Operation Blue Star | Daily Account

Join us as we merge six detailed videos into one comprehensive account of the pivotal events that unfolded during the first six days of June 1984 at Sri Harmandir Sahib, The Golden Temple, during Operation Blue Star. This video provides a day-by-day breakdown of the tragedy and heroism witnessed during this critical period in Sikh history. June 1st, 1984: The Indian Army opened fire on Sri Harmandir Sahib, resulting in the death of eight innocent civilians. The Sikh soldiers held their positions, and Bhai Mehnga Singh Ji became the first martyr (Shaheed) from the top of Baba Atal Rai Ji’s Asthaan. June 2nd, 1984: On the Shaheedi day of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the Indian Army allowed thousands of devotees to enter the Darbar Sahib complex before surrounding it with over 10,000 soldiers, trapping countless Sikh civilians and a small group of defenders inside. June 3rd, 1984: Under General Shabeg Singh’s command, the Sikhs began to retaliate against the attacking forces. The architecture of Sri Darbar Sahib played a crucial role in their defense, as the elevated positions provided strategic advantages. June 4th, 1984: Despite being vastly outnumbered, the Singh's maintained their Sikhi and continued their daily prayers. Their sustenance was fueled by more than just food; it was their unwavering faith in Vahiguru Ji. June 5th, 1984: The focus of the Indian Army's assault on Sri Darbar Sahib led to discussions about whether Sant Jarnail Singh Ji’s presence was the cause. However, over 74 confirmed Gurdwaras were attacked across Punjab, disproving the notion that his departure would have prevented the attacks. June 6th, 1984: The final day of intense battle saw the remaining Sikh soldiers regrouping at Sri Akaal Takhat for their last stand. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji performed a final Ardaas to Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, delivering his last message to the Sikh warriors. While some Sikhs escaped to continue the struggle, others chose to stay and fight till their last breath, attaining Shaheedi. Check out the Full Podcast here: A Big Thank You To: Bhai Maniv Singh - Sikh Human Rights Bhai Shamsher Singh - NSYF/Khalistan Centre Bhai Baljit Singh - JangNama Bhai Manpreet Singh - World Sikh Parliament & Babbar Akali Thank you for joining us on this journey through a critical chapter in Sikh history. Your support and engagement mean the world to us.

Can you hear the song? - So Dar Keha - Japji Sahib Podcast EP27

Everything within the creation (the One's home) has a vibration to it and 'sings' in its own way, within the construct of the One's divine law. Can you hear it and can you sing the song drenched in the loving devotion of the One? 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:02:49 - So Dar Keha 00:06:06 - Guru Ram Das Ji on the unexplainable One 00:12:38 - So Dar Keha 00:13:43 - Vaje Naad Anek 00:17:12 - I can't wait to go to Sach Khand 00:20:35 - If you'd just stop for one moment 00:23:03 - Vaje Naad Anek 00:23:20 - Kete Raag Paree 00:33:03 - Gaveh Tuhono Paun Paanee 00:43:57 - Gaveh Chit Gupt Likh Janeh 00:54:29 - Gaveh Esar Barma Devi 00:57:07 - Gaveh Ind Indaasan Baitthe 00:58:39 - Gaveh Sidh Samaadhi Andar 00:59:52 - Gavan Jatee Satee Santokhee 01:01:55 - Gavan Pandit Paran Rakheesar 01:03:22 - Gaveh Mohaneeaa Man Mohan 01:05:33 - Gavan Ratan Opaae Tere 01:06:21 - Gaveh Jodh Mahabal Sooraa 01:07:18 - Gaveh Khandd Manddal Varbhanddaa 01:07:40 - Se-ee Tudhno Gaaveh Jo Tudh Bhaavan 01:09:38 - Hor Kete Gaavan Se Mai Chit Na Aavan 01:10:46 - Soee Soee Sadaa Sach Saahib 01:14:04 - Hai Bhee Hosee Jaae Na Jaasee 01:16:03 - Rangee Rangee Bhaatee 01:17:53 - Kar Kar Vekhai Keetaa Aapna 01:18:48 - Jo Tis Bhaavai Soee Karsee 01:19:39 - So Paatsaahu Saha Paatsaahib 01:22:26 - How can I see the song of water for example? #Spirituality #Breath #Stillness

What is true love? Amul Gun - Japji Sahib Podcast EP26

Allow stories to be a powerful and impactful mode to teach use every day life lessons. In this instance, Guru Angad Dev Ji perfectly allows us to witness how they remained in the priceless essence of love instead of allowing the ego mind to take over in response to somebody else's frustration and anger. In this pauri (stanza), Guru Nanak Dev Ji share their wisdom to such an extent that we lose ourself in the repetitive reciting of praising how priceless the One is. This repetition turns into true remembrance and through that we fall into that priceless love. Imagine Guru Nanak takes your hand and allows you to see how priceless that One is. 🎧 🎧 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:01:49 - Amul Gun Amul Vaapaar 00:03:15 - The experience of gratitute 00:05:11 - Two ways to live life 00:06:15 - Gratitude within love 00:06:48 - The base line of love 00:08:13 - Baba Isher Singh Kalera - Stuck in your ego 00:08:58 - Who is a true lover? 00:12:14 - Changing your view on God based on how others treat you 00:13:43 - Beautiful Sakhi of Guru Angad Dev JI and Humayun 00:38:21 - Trade in virtues - Amul Gun Amul Vaapaar 00:39:03 - Priceless traders of those virtues - Amul Vaapaaree-e Amul Bhanddaar 00:39:38 - Amul Aveh Amul Lai Jaahi 00:40:26 - Amul Bhaae Amulaa Samaahi 00:42:26 - The power of storytelling 00:43:28 - Jin Prem Keeyo - What is true love? 00:49:03 - Gurinder Singh shares personal story 00:51:05 - How to stay in love 00:53:41 - Amul Dharam Amul Deebaan 00:54:15 - Amul Tul Amul Parvaan 00:55:42 - Amul Bakhsees Amul Neesaan 00:57:20 - Amul Karam Amul Furmaan 00:57:32 - Amulaa Amul Akhiaa Na Jaae 00:58:11 - Aakh Aakh Reheh Liv Laae 00:58:39 - Akheh Ved Paath Puraan 00:59:07 - Akheh Parreh Kareh Vakhiaan 00:59:23 - Akheh Barme Akheh Ind 01:00:02 - Akheh Gopi Tai Govind 01:00:29 - Akheh Esar Akheh Sidh - Akheh Daanav Akheh Dev 01:01:02 - Akheh Sur Nar Mun Jan Sev 01:01:32 - Kete Akheh Akhan Paahi - Kete Keh Keh Utth Utth Jaahi 01:02:14 - Ete Keete Hor Kareh 01:02:30 - Ta Aakh Na Sakeh Ke-ee Keh - Nanak Jaanai Saacha Soe 01:03:01 - Je Ko Akheh Bol Vigaar 01:03:13 - Ta Likheeai Sir Gavaaraa Gavaar 01:03:23 - State of Vaah 01:04:26 - Closing #Spirituality #Love #GuruNanakDevJi

[INSPIRATIONAL] Firefighter from Vancouver BC shares his Sikhi journey

Gurmeet Singh from BC, Canada travels to the UK to support his wife attend the Journey of Compassion retreat. He arrives and falls in love with the warmth and spiritually uplifting sangat, so much so that when they left to go on holiday to Rome, a few days in, they were missing the sangat so much that they cancelled their holiday and came back to attend the Somerset monthly divan! In this conversation, we hear about the inspirational stories of Gurmeet Singh in his service as a lieutenant in the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. Bhai Baljit Singh and Gurmeet Singh discuss judgement in sangat, the difficult journey of overcoming habits of addiction and the concept of service and devotion. This is a much watch and very powerful conversation. Watch the divan Gurmeet Singh attended: Listen on SoundCloud: 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:02:05 - Introduction 00:03:12 - First experiences of Sikhi 00:08:38 - Choosing a career path 00:11:08 - Struggling in high school 00:12:55 - Building up idea to become a firefighter 00:16:45 - Becoming a firefighter 00:19:57 - Not segregating seva (service) and bhagti (devotion) 00:23:17 - Spiritual experiences whilst firefighting 00:30:16 - Experiences with Sukhmani Sahib 00:35:10 - Feeling connected with Sikhi and feeling judged by sangat because of physical appearance (e.g. being mona) 00:38:12 - Plans to keep kes (uncut hair) - Vaheguru is timeless 00:39:55 - Feeling judged in sangat 00:44:01 - How Gurmeet Singh ended up in the UK 00:50:25 - There's a role for everyone in Sikhi - Gurmeet Singh's experiences in Langar 00:52:51 - Dealing with addictions/habits - SUPPORTING EACH OTHER 01:06:37 - The Guru's Friend - Gur-Meet 01:09:23 - Experiences doing CPR as a firefighter 01:11:03 - Power of Gurmukhi Names 01:14:47 - Experience of saving a 7 year old girl 01:21:49 - Experience of helping at a car accident whilst off duty 01:27:28 - Thank you Gurmeet Singh - Vaheguru's Service 01:28:47 - Highlighting people's strengths #Firefighting #Spirituality #Service

Where does our suffering come from? Bahuta Karam - Japji Sahib Podcast EP25

Sometimes we get afraid of pain but it's a calling for us to do something! When the suffering is mental/emotional, it's a calling for us return to the One. This powerful episode is filled with gems of wisdom, as Bhai Baljit Singh & Bhai Jagmeet Singh discuss how by taking strength from Gurbani and the Shaheeds, what practical steps we can take when we feel defeated. There's an abundance of gifts in our life, and by opening our eyes to them, we can transform our mindset to gratitude and appreciation for the One who is the giver; if we live in this praise of the One, we can be on top of the world! 🎧 🎧 Topics: 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:01:30 - Introduction 00:02:04 - Abundance Mindset - Bohata Karam Likhia Na Jaae 00:05:03 - Shadow self vs Higher self 00:06:49 - [POWERFUL] What to do when you fall down 00:18:18 - The One gives and desires nothing in return - Vadda Data Til Na Tamaae 00:19:45 - Shadow Self vs Higher Self - Duality 00:24:00 - Should have stayed innocent 00:25:43 - We are asleep to such an extent 00:27:20 - Not giving up! - Kete Mangeh Jodh Apar 00:28:55 - You're not alone - Ketia Ganat Nehee Veechaar 00:30:43 - Serving and strengthening the Khalsa to serve the world 00:33:46 - So many wasting away - Kete Khap Tutte Vekaar 00:34:39 - Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das & Bhai Dayala Ji remaining sweet 00:38:59 - Living without appreciation - Kete Lai Lai Mukar Paahi 00:42:13 - Don't just keep consuming unconsciously - Kete Moorakh Khaahee Khaahi 00:44:37 - A calling to return home - Ketia Dookh Bookh Sad Maar 00:49:44 - Even this is Your gift - Eh Bhi Daat Teree Daataar 00:55:10 - Liberation comes from... - Band Khalasee Bhanai Hoe 00:57:17 - No one else has a say in this - Hor Aakh Na Sakai Koe 00:57:36 - Proper fools! - Je Ko Khaaek Aakhan Paae 00:58:07 - Those fools know - Ohu Janai Jetia Muhi Khaahi 01:00:16 - We can't alter the system - Aape Janai Aape De 01:00:46 - Very few - Akheh Si Bhi Ke-ee Ke 01:02:56 - Those who are blessed - Jis Nu Bakhsheh Sift Salaah 01:03:57 - You're a king! - Nanak Paatshaahi Paatshah 01:05:37 - If you truly want to change something inside you, do this 01:07:34 - Journey of compassion 01:09:04 - Closing #Spirituality #MentalHealth #Gratitude

What is a Miracle? - Ant Na Sifti - Japji Sahib Podcast EP24

It’s all about re-finding it - remembering that you are bliss. Our question should be simple - what are we doing to block it? Or, what do we need to do that helps to unblock whatever it is that we can’t identify to allow us to be there in that place? Then do it! Bhai Baljit Singh and Daraspreet Kaur have a beautiful discussion about looking at the every day elements of life and living in awe - this is the true miracle of life. Listen to the beautiful true story Bhai Jetha Ji and the mango and many more discussions about expressing gratitude and presence to draw yourself closer to the One. 🎧 🎧 Topics: 00:00 - Coming up 01:24 - Introduction 02:04 - The fruits of praise - Ant Na Sifti 09:31 - Sakhi of Bhai Jetha Ji & the mango 20:57 - Half a line of Gurbani can liberate you - Ant Na Sifti 25:01 - No limit to your creation and gifts - Ant Na Karnai 25:33 - The One watches and hears us all - Ant Na Vekhan Sunan Na Ant 35:05 - The intelligence of that One - Ant Na Jaapai Kia Man Mant 36:05 - Ant Na Jaapai Kita Akaar 38:19 - Perceiving the end of your limits! - Ant Na Jaapai Paravaar 41:47 - No need to figure it all out - Ant Karan Kete Bil-laahi 42:34 - You can't find the One's limits! - Ta Ke Ant Na Paae Jaahi 48:24 - No one will know - Eho Ant Na Jaanai Koe 48:56 - Not enough words - Bohata Keheaai Bohata Hoe 49:44 - The place of bliss - Vaddaa Saahib Oocha Thaao 52:43 - Ooche Oopar Oochaa Naao 55:34 - You have to be there to know the One - Evad Oochaa Hoveh Koe, Tis Ooche Ko Jaanai Soe 56:44 - The One knows how great the One is - Jevadd Aaap Janaai Aap Aap 57:30 - Any blessing is your gift - Nanak Nadari Karmi Daat #Spirituality #Gratitude #Oneness

[FORGOTTEN] CHHOTA GHALLUGHARA - The Sikh Genocide of 1746

Dive deep into one of the most harrowing chapters of Sikh history with this new episode from the Sikh History Series Podcast Playlist. Witness the resilience and unwavering spirit of the Khalsa Panth as they faced persecution under the new governor of Lahore, Lakhpat Rai's reign. From the grim orders of extermination to the brutal hardships in the jungles, the Singhs' guerrilla warfare tactics, and their survival against all odds, this episode is a testament to the strength and faith of the Sikh warriors. 🔹 Key Moments: - The chilling proclamation to exterminate the Sikh populace. - The hardship and ingenious guerrilla tactics of the Singhs under siege. - The grueling escape through mountains, and the heart-wrenching tale of survival against starvation. - The eventual clash between Mughals and Pathans, led to the arrest and fitting end of Lakhpat Rai, the orchestrator of the genocide. 🔹 Why Watch: - Gain insight into a critical period of Sikh history, marked by fierce determination and sacrifice. - Understand the depth of the Sikh spirit in the face of relentless persecution. - Reflect on the lessons of resilience, strategy, and faith that the Khalsa Panth exemplifies. - Join us on this powerful journey through time, as we honor the memory of those who stood tall in the face of adversity, ensuring the flame of the Khalsa Panth burns bright through the darkest times. 00:00 - Intro 01:00 - The blood-soaked pages of Sikh History 01:40 - The New Governor of Lahore 03:50 - Exterminate them! 06:10 - The plight of the Singhs 07:30 - Singh's guerilla tactics 09:00 - The Singhs come out at night 14:30 - The Panth visits Rori Sahib 17:40 - A letter for Jaspat Rai 19:00 - The reply 21:25 - The Akali Nihang Singh reaction 24:30 - The Singhs lay the smackdown 25:00 - A decapitated head 28:00 - Lakhpat Rai plans a Genocide - thousands killed 38:00 - Lakhpat Rai's egotistical announcement 44:00 - The fauj in the Jungles 46:00 - The Plan to Keep the Khalsa Panth Alive 46:30 - Dhai Phat di larrae - 2 and a half strikes 51:00 - Stuck in a hard place 54:00 - Suffering severely 01:01:00 - Singhs climbing the mountains 01:04:00 - Bhai Rattan Singh reflects 01:05:00 - Bhai Sukha Singh Ji goes to war 01:09:00 - Singhs on horses were split up 01:12:00 - Singhs doing Jagaare & Singhs being shaheed 01:14:00 - Salking on burning sand 01:15:00 - Escape 01:17:30 - Mountain Singhs dying from starvation 01:21:00 - Feeding langar to the Singhs 01:22:00 - Watery Dhal - Pour it on my head 01:25:00 - Mughals and Pathans clash 01:26:00 - Lakhpat Rai arrested 01:27:00 - The stench of Revenge - a much-deserved death

What it takes to make the world a better place - Salaahee Salaahi - Japji Sahib Podcast P23

The illusion of desire keeps us thinking that bliss is one step away. Guru Nanak Dev Ji reminds us that in the same way that rivers and streams travel towards the ocean, we too can go back into that ocean of bliss in this very moment internally, even whilst we're doing our day to day tasks. Even if you've got an abundance of wealth, if you are not satisfied, you can bring a lot of distress to the world because of your hunger. You could be as small as an ant - you may not know a lot or have a lot materialistically, but because you're complete from inside, in that you've found eternal bliss, you will be of service to your life and bring peace into the world. Listen on Podcast: Listen on SoundCloud: Topics: 00:00 Introduction 00:50 It's not about what you know - Saalaahee Saalaahi 06:40 Lose your identity - Nadeeaa Ate Vaah 10:43 Not touched the essence - Kids in tuition 14:51 Loose your identity - Nadeeaa Ate Vaah 24:06 Sakhi of Bhagat Naam Dev Ji 31:34 Even if you had this much! - Samund Saah Sultaan 32:23 Nothing compared to that one who remembers Vaheguru - Keeree Tul Na Hove-ee #Spirituality #Peace #Sikh

How to choose peace over consumerism - Pataala Pataal - Japji Sahib Podcast EP22

The mind constantly keeps falling into the trap thinking it needs to know the absolute limit and end to everything and figure everything out. That's okay but it can think that once it's figured it out how this works, how that works, it's going to feel complete and satisfied and at some points it's going to come to a stop. That's an illusion because you'll never reach that place discovering more about the creation. Instead you'll find yourself in a rut of chasing pleasure. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says something very simple - sometimes hearing something so simple can make you think - is that it? Guru Ji says take a moment to just say, 'wow' to how great You are, and realise that in that moment of 'wow', you are complete. Listen on: Apple/Spotify/Google Podcasts: SoundCloud: Topics: 00:00 Introduction 00:25 The vastness of the creation - Pataala Pataal 04:00 You'll not find the end of the creation! - Orrak Orrak Bhaal Thake 07:34 Consumerism over peace 26:20 One creator! - Sehas Atthareh Kehan Kateba 30:57 Be aware of the things you use in life and why they were created 37:29 There's no measure to bliss! - Lekha Hoe Ta Likheeai 40:56 Just say wow! - Nanak Vaddaa Aakheeai #Spirituality #Creation #Consumerism

The JOY of LETTING GO! Teerath Tap - Japji Sahib Podcast EP21

You may feel you're doing something good for yourself and for the world, when the real work internally is still to be done. Let's take on the wisdom of the Guru and start letting go of the things that are holding us back from experiencing the soul. Knowing about the creation or improving the external quality of our life won't take us into a state of joy. In the state of awe, surrender and gratitude will take us to our true home. Listen on: Apple/Spotify/Google Podcasts: SoundCloud: Bhagat Naam Dev Ji: Topics: 00:00 Introduction 01:11 Fruitful or not? - Teerath Tap 22:07 Let go, live in devotion - Sunia Mania Man Keeta Bhaao 27:27 Let it go! - Anecdote about a person who falls off a cliff! 32:44 The inner journey - Antargat Teerath Mal Naao 34:21 It was me! - Story of Sant Waryam singh 39:01 The inner journey - Antargat Teerath Mal Naao 40:53 All You - Sabh Gun Tere Mai Naahee Koe 41:18 What is devotion - Vin Gun Keete Bhagat Na Hoe 42:49 Vaah! - Suasat Aath Baani Barmaao 44:43 Truth and joy - Sat Suhaan Sadaa Man Chaao 46:45 What time and day? - Kavan Su Vela Vakhat Kavan 48:48 What season and month? Kavan Su Rutee Maahu Kavan 49:05 Religious scholars don't know - Vel Na Paaeeaa Panddtee 49:36 Islamics judges don't know - Vakhat Na Paaeo Kaadeeaa 50:00 The Yogis don't know - Thit Vaar Na Jogee Jaanai 50:17 Only the One knows - Ja Karta Sirthi Ko Saajai 54:17 How can I praise You? - Kiv Kar Aakhaa 56:19 It's not about how much you know - Nanak Aakhan Sabh Ko Aakhai 58:16 That One is Great! - Vadda Sahib Vaddee Naaee 58:42 Your intellect will only take you so far - Nanak Je Ko Aapo Jaanai #Spirituality #Creation #LettingGo

Can you see God's signature? - Asankh Naav - Japji Sahib Podcast EP19

It's easy to get caught up in our own head and feel that everything is centred around us and our feelings. Guru Nanak Dev Ji brings the vastness and grand scale of this creation to our awareness. Guru Ji wants us to live this life realising how the creator's name is signed on everything. We can give meaning to everything and anything and allow the creation to take us to a state of awe and feel a oneness with the creator. There's nothing that hasn't got Vaheguru's name to it. Topics 00:00 Coming up in this episode 00:55 Introduction 01:53 Countless names & places - Asankh Naav 14:52 Countless places - Agam Agam Asankh Lo 19:34 Enjoy the creation - Asankh Keheh Sir Bhaar Hoe 21:52 The divine word - Akhri Naam Akhri Salaah 27:52 Singing praises - Akhri Giaan Geet Gun Gaah 30:44 Communication through the divine word - Akhri Likhan Bolan Baan 38:07 Our Karma - Akhra Sir Sanjog Vakhaan 41:56 That One is not subject to divine law - Jin Eh Likhe Tis Sir Naahi 46:32 We receive according to divine will - Jiv Furmaae Tiv Tiv Paahi 47:53 Can you see God's signature - Jeta Keeta Tetaa Naao 55:11 No place without You - Vin Naavai Naahi Ko Thaao 56:22 Closing #Spirituality #Divine #Creation

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