Can you hear the song? - So Dar Keha - Japji Sahib Podcast EP27

Everything within the creation (the One's home) has a vibration to it and 'sings' in its own way, within the construct of the One's divine law. Can you hear it and can you sing the song drenched in the loving devotion of the One? 00:00:00 - Coming up
00:02:49 - So Dar Keha
00:06:06 - Guru Ram Das Ji on the unexplainable One
00:12:38 - So Dar Keha
00:13:43 - Vaje Naad Anek
00:17:12 - I can't wait to go to Sach Khand
00:20:35 - If you'd just stop for one moment
00:23:03 - Vaje Naad Anek
00:23:20 - Kete Raag Paree
00:33:03 - Gaveh Tuhono Paun Paanee
00:43:57 - Gaveh Chit Gupt Likh Janeh
00:54:29 - Gaveh Esar Barma Devi
00:57:07 - Gaveh Ind Indaasan Baitthe
00:58:39 - Gaveh Sidh Samaadhi Andar
00:59:52 - Gavan Jatee Satee Santokhee
01:01:55 - Gavan Pandit Paran Rakheesar
01:03:22 - Gaveh Mohaneeaa Man Mohan
01:05:33 - Gavan Ratan Opaae Tere
01:06:21 - Gaveh Jodh Mahabal Sooraa
01:07:18 - Gaveh Khandd Manddal Varbhanddaa
01:07:40 - Se-ee Tudhno Gaaveh Jo Tudh Bhaavan
01:09:38 - Hor Kete Gaavan Se Mai Chit Na Aavan
01:10:46 - Soee Soee Sadaa Sach Saahib
01:14:04 - Hai Bhee Hosee Jaae Na Jaasee
01:16:03 - Rangee Rangee Bhaatee
01:17:53 - Kar Kar Vekhai Keetaa Aapna
01:18:48 - Jo Tis Bhaavai Soee Karsee
01:19:39 - So Paatsaahu Saha Paatsaahib
01:22:26 - How can I see the song of water for example? #Spirituality #Breath #Stillness