conversation between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Bhai Nand Lal Ji.
Bhai Nand Lal Ji, also referred to as Goya, is one of the 52 poets of the Darbar of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They did Langar Seva in Anandpur Sahib, and are the author of Zindagi-e-Namah, Ganj-e-Namah, Taosif-O-Sana, Jot Vigaas and many more writings.
Bhai Nand Lal Ji recorded three Rehitnamas (Codes of Conduct)
- Rehitnama
- Tankhanama
- Sakhi Rehit Ki

Speech of the Guru
O Gursikhs! Listen to the Rehit, my friends. Wake up early in the morning and focus your mind on Vaheguru. Recite the Mantar Vaheguru. Take a shower and read JapJi and Jaap. 1.
Have darshan (blessed vision) of the Guru. Sit with the Guru, focus on the Guru and Shabad. When 9 hours have passed, listen to the teachings of the Guru. 2.
In the evening, listen to Rehraas. Listen to Kirtan (devotional music) and Katha (discourse) in praise of the Guru. One who follows the routine consistently, that Sikh, will be liberated. 3.
A Sikh who follows the routine of the Primal Five (Five Baniaan in the morning, Five Kakkars) will liberate his 21 generations as well. That Sikh saves the 21 generations and becomes free. The Sikh does not enter the cycle of life and death. 4.
Speech of Nand Lal
My Gurdev Ji, you have stated, ‘Come and have my darshan (blessed vision), please explain to me how do I do this? 5. [Even after Guru Gobind Singh Ji has left this world physically?]
Speech of the Guru
I have three forms; listen, O’ Nand Lal with total concentration. Nirgun (the Formless), Sargun (Physical Form), and Gurshabad (Guru Granth Sahib Ji). I shall explain to you. 6.
Chaupai - Quadruplet
My first form, the Nirgun saroop (Formless), is free from the trey gun (Rajo, Tamo, and Sato). The Vedas also say this repeatedly. The Formless One is pervading in every heart and is inseparable. 7.
My second form is [Guru] Granth Sahib Ji. Know Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) to be the physical body of the Guru and the pages to be the limbs of the Guru. Each word in Granth Sahib is like every hair on my body. So I speak only the truth to you. 8.
The Sikh who wishes to have Darshan of the Guru, come and have Darshan of Granth Sahib. In the early morning, after taking a shower, circle three times around Granth Sahib. 9.
Listen to the Shabad with total concentration. Listen to the knowledge of the Shabad and share this with others. The Sikh who wishes to speak to me, read Granth Sahib and do Veechar (discussion/contemplation) of the Shabad. 10.
The Sikh who wishes to listen to my voice, listen to the words of Granth Sahib and contemplate. Believe Granth Sahib to be my physical form. Do not doubt; there is no difference between Granth Sahib and myself. 11.
My third form is my Sikh, who has love for Gurbani (the Guru’s words) day and night. The Sikh who has faith and love for Gurshabad (the Guru’s words); who wakes up in the morning and has Darshan (blessed vision) of the Guru; 12.
Who listens to the knowledge of Gurshabad and shares it with others; who read Jap Ji and Jaap with complete focus; who goes to the Gurdwara; who forsakes the desires of other women (adultery); 13.
Who serves another Sikh with love; who forsakes ego and self-pride; recognize that Sikh to be my form. 14.
Dohra - Couplet
I am happy with those Gursikhs who perform selfless service, the one who surrenders their body, mind, and wealth and serves me. 15.
The Gursikhs who serve me this way and always come upon my calling, listen, O’Nand Lal! That Gursikh will surely go to Sachkhand. 16.
Speech of Nand Lal
You have explained Your three forms, Nirgun (Formless), Sargun (The Physical Form), and Gurshabad (Granth Sahib). However, one cannot see the Nirgun form, and the Sargun is Your Sikhs as you described. 17.
Your Nirgun saroop is infinite; how can we have the vision of this form? You are the Master of this world, and You are the All-Knower who resides in every heart. 18.
Speech of the Guru
Listen, O’ Sikh, Bhai Nand Lal! Listen to my sweet words. The Gurmukhs (followers of the Guru and not their own desires) are my Physical Form (Sargun). Primarily, the Sikh should diligently do selfless service. 19.
While doing Seva (selfless service), the Gursikh should adhere to the Gurshabad. This way, the Sikh will obtain blessings through the Shabad. The Sikh who follows the teachings of Gurshabad will be able to gain an understanding of the Infinite One. 20.
I have told you all these, O’ brother. The one who listens and reads this with full consciousness will be beyond any form of praise and will merge back into the Light of Vaheguru. 21.
The year 1752 Bikrami (1695AD), Month of Maghar, 9th day of the first half-moon, Friday, on the banks of Satluj River, these words were spoken to Bhai Nand Lal. 22.
Recite the Mantar Vaheguru; focus your consciousness on Vaheguru. Believe this, O Gursikhs, and you shall attain liberation. 23.