n this article, we will delve into Saakhi #19 of the Sikha Di Bhagat Maala series, where we will explore the wisdom of Guru Angad Dev Ji through the Sakhi of three GurSikhs and how we can break the cycle of life and death through Bhagti and overcome the illusion of Maya.

Bhai Dipa Ji, Bhai Naryan Das Ji, and Bhai Bula Ji

ਦੀਪਾ ਦੇਊ ਨਰਾਇਣ ਦਾਸੁ ਬੂਲੇ ਦੇ ਜਾਈਐ ਬਲਿਹਾਰੀ।।

I am a sacrifice unto Bhai Dipa, Bhai Naryan Das and Bhai Bula.

The Question of Liberation

These three GurSikhs came to the sanctuary of Guru Angad Dev Ji and humbly asked: “Sache Patshaah, please tell us something that we can do to help us break the cycle of life and death.” This query reflects a universal challenge—the cycle of birth and rebirth, or the 8.4 million reincarnations, from which every soul yearns to escape.

Guru Angad Dev Ji’s answer

Guru Angad Dev Ji, in Their infinite wisdom said: “You need to remember Vaheguru and do Bhagti.” However the three GurSikhs, eager to understand this path better, asked: “How do we do Bhagti and remember Vaheguru?” Guru Sahib explained that upon creation, Parmatma not only created the universe but also the force of Maya, the feminine energy. While Parmatma is seen as the masculine energy, Maya is the illusion that veils the truth, obscuring the world from recognizing the presence of Vaheguru. Maya’s purpose was to create an illusion that keeps souls trapped in ignorance. However, through divine grace and good karma, a few fortunate souls, like these three GurSikhs, are able to see through the veil of Maya and yearn for liberation from the cycle of life and death by recognising Vaheguru.

The four paths back to Vaheguru

1.Bairaag (Detachment) – Realizing the world is an illusion and detaching from its material attachments.

2.Yog (Discipline & Lifestyle) – Living a life that aligns with spiritual progress.

3.Giaan (Wisdom) – Gaining true knowledge about oneself and Vaheguru.

4.Bhagti (Devotion & Meditation) – Constant remembrance and love for Vaheguru. Unlike the other paths, Bhagti is feminine in nature and impervious to the illusions created by Maya. Bhagti is not subject to pride, attachment, or ego that can arise through intellectual wisdom or physical practices.

Nine forms of Bhagti 

1.Sarvan (Listening) – Hearing Katha, Kirtan, and Sakhis about Vaheguru.

2.Kirtan (Singing Praises) – Expressing love for Vaheguru through Kirtan.

3.Simran (Remembrance) – Meditating on Vaheguru’s Naam 

4.Padsevan (Service at Guru’s Feet) – Always being present to serve Guru Sahib.

5.Archan (Worship) – Doing Arti, offering Chaur Seva, and giving offerings to Guru Sahib.

6.Bandana (Bowing Down) – Physically bowing to show surrender and respect.

7.Daas Bhav (Servitude) – Considering oneself a servant of Guru Sahib and always ready to serve.

8.Sakhapan (Friendship with Vaheguru) – Speaking to Vaheguru as a close friend, sharing joys and sorrows.

9.Atma Nivedan (Complete Surrender) – Accepting everything as Vaheguru’s Hukam, seeing all events as His divine will.

Prema Bhagti (loving devotion)

ਸਾਚੁ ਕਹੋਂ ਸੁਨ ਲੇਹੁ ਸਭੈ ਜਿਨ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਕੀਓ ਤਿਨ ਹੀ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਪਾਇਓ।।

I speak Truth, all should turn their ears towards it: he, who is absorbed in True Love, he would realize the Lord.

Guru Angad Dev Ji teaches that Prema Bhagti is at the core of all these practices. Without love, the rituals are mere actions devoid of the meaning. True devotion comes from the heart, where the soul seeks to please the beloved Vaheguru. Only with love do we perform actions like Kirtan, Seva, and Simran, with the sincere intention of connecting with the divine. Love is the key. Just as a person deeply in love with their spouse will do anything to please them, a true Sikh will do Bhagti out of pure love for Guru Sahib. If we lack this Prem for Guru Sahib, even reading Gurbani or doing Seva can become a ritual without meaning.

Breaking the cycle of life & death

Guru Sahib teaches that if we want to break free from reincarnation, we must see through the illusion of Maya, recognize that everything including Maya was created by Vaheguru and change our lives through Bhagti, by which we can attain oneness with Vaheguru.

Through devotion, these three GurSikhs saw beyond the illusion of Maya and recognized Vaheguru as the creator and sustainer of all. In our own lives, the key to breaking the cycle of reincarnation is love and devotion. No matter how we express our devotion, it is the love within our hearts that makes our actions meaningful and impactful. When we truly surrender ourselves to Vaheguru and approach every act of devotion with love, we can transcend Maya and unite with the divine. May we all be inspired by the example of these three GurSikhs and Guru Angad Dev Ji’s teachings to deepen our connection with the divine and seek liberation through heartfelt Bhagti.

This article is a transcribed version of the video How to break the illusion of Maya by Bibi Gurprit Kaur Ji.

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