How not taking yourself so seriously can set you free - Sakhi of Suthre Shah - 🎵 Daras Dikha Jaavee

In this video, we experience the light-heartedness and depth of Suthre Shah and how it requires a level of humility to be carefree and playful. With so many funny moments in this divan, we learn that if we can just for a moment, try to step outside of our problems, no matter how difficult they might be, we can start to break away those layers that separate us from Vaheguru. Vaheguru is always there listening - can we reach out with our arms open like a child and receive that hug? As always, enjoy the powerful and emotion filled Kirtan from Bhai Rajan Singh and Bibi Gurpreet Kaur. Congratulations to Bhai Bhagat Singh, who shares Kirtan with the sangat for the first time at the Somerset Divan. Topics:
00:00:00 - Coming up
00:01:16 - Bibi Gurpreet Kaur - Aarti Kirtan
00:11:03 - Bhai Bhagat Singh - Aao Sajan Sant Meet Piaare
00:18:29 - Bibi Gurpreet Kaur - Tuhi Tuhi
00:23:09 - Bibi Gurpreet Kaur - Sabh Gobind Hai Sabh Gobind Hai
00:44:49 - Bibi Gurpreet Kaur - Jale Hari Thale Hari
00:57:45 - Bhai Baljit Singh
01:44:38 - Tuhi Tuhi
01:46:43 - Bhai Baljit Singh Continued
01:51:08 - Bhai Rajan Singh - Daras Dikha Jaavee #Spirituality #MentalHealth #Sikhi