How Can You Gift Your Life Purpose Right Now? - Bhagat Naam Dev Ji

How can we take responsibility for our lives so that everything we do has meaning and purpose? Bhai Baljit Singh shares the sakhi of Bhagat Naam Dev Ji whose father tells him to carry out the duty of presenting milk to the stone idol as an offering. Unlike his father who did it as an empty task, Bhagat Naam Dev Ji's presented the milk with a deep innocence and devotion expecting the idol to literally drink the milk. Watch the video to find out what happened! Let's never take a day off from laughing and being playful and bring meaning to every moment through our approach of devotion and love to life. Topics:
00:00:00 - Coming up
00:00:56 - Bhai Teghbir Singh - Aarti Kirtan
00:11:16 - Gurpreet Kaur - Vaheguru Simran
00:20:57 - Bibi Gurpreet Kaur - Aap Beechaare Su Giaani Hoee
00:39:16 - Bhai Baljit Singh Introduction
00:42:28 - Bhai Rajan Singh - Hasat Khelat Tere Dehure Aaeaa
00:54:45 - Bhai Baljit Singh Katha
01:21:06 - Bhai Rajan Singh - Mere Baba Ji Deo Darshan
01:28:03 - Bhai Baljit Singh Katha
01:35:53 - Bhai Rajan Singh - Naame Preet Naaraaen Laagee #Purpose #Spirituality #Sikh