What is the purpose of life? - A Deep Dive + Q&A with Bhai Harman Singh

The purpose of life ...what comes to mind? - Karma, Reincarnation, Meditation, Self-Realisation, Grace, Devotion? - Let's take a deep dive with Bhai Harman Singh into the Guru's wisdom on what our purpose of life is and how a being can fulfil their life. Another amazing discourse in English and Punjabi with a Q&A at the end. Topics:
00:00:00 - Start
00:00:58 - Introduction
00:03:08 - What is life?
00:06:56 - Before taking this life
00:07:55 - Karam (Karma) philosophy
00:09:30 - Sakhi of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Bhai Daya Singh Ji asking about karam
00:13:17 - Grace within the play of Karam
00:17:45 - Sakhi of Yogi
00:21:23 - Getting stuck in karma
00:23:42 - 6 Types of beings
00:24:45 - Sakhi of gold coins and thorn
00:27:08 - Bhai Gurdas Ji on fulfilling your limbs
00:45:02 - 6 types of beings
00:50:28 - Fulfilling your life with family responsibilities
00:52:07 - A sufi asks God why the creation was made
00:56:12 - Can you take the creator out the creation?
00:59:03 - Q: Do you think some sins are harder to burn off than others?
01:07:27 - Q: Is it a matter of waiting for kirpa and doing good karam?
01:10:34 - Q: What actions can you do to get ready for asking for Amrit?
01:17:57 - Struggling with Kes (uncut hair)
01:19:21 - Closing up #Purpose #Spirituality #Sikhi