How Sikhi Lives Through Your Hands – Bhai Harman Singh

Serving the Guru and Gursikhs has become a philosophy that many today say you do just from your heart and not necessarily from an action. Bhai Harman Singh shares and explains the words of Bhai Gurdas Ji, a devout Gursikh and the original scribe of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, who in a vaar (ballad) describes the actions the Sikh's hands should do to become worthy and blessed. Topics:
00:00 - Coming up
01:12 - Introduction
02:31 - Is Sikhi practised physically or just in your mind?
05:11 - Finding bliss within the chaos
07:21 - Fulfilling your hands
17:12 - Bhai Gurdas Ji on fulfilling your hands
34:18 - Beautiful sakhi of Bhagat Jaswant Singh Bhagat Ji on humility
38:26 - Bhai Gurdas Ji on fulfilling your hands
43:00 - Sakhi of Baba Sham Singh Atari & Baba Tegha Singh
50:24 - Bhai Gurdas Ji on fulfilling your hands #Sikhi #Spirituality #Humility