Nitnem is an extremely important aspect of every Sikh's day. It’s like a bath in the morning to make you feel strong and prepared for the day. Then, after being influenced by this world all day, we do Rehraas Sahib in the evening to reconnect. Doing Sohila Sahib before bed washes all the filth accumulated throughout the day and reminds us of our purpose in life. Nitnem is prescribed to us in the Rehit (daily code of conduct), meaning it is Guru Sahib Ji's Hukam (order) that we do our Nitnem every day. Doing Nitnem daily is like having a conversation with Guru Sahib Ji every single day. Another important aspect of Sikhi is to earn Naam, through doing Nitnem daily, we do this and receive that indescribable flavour. At the end of the day, through doing our Nitnem we please Guru Sahib and receive their Grace. To learn more about this topic, check out our article on Why Pray Daily/Do Nitnem?